Jimma Wash Projekt

What we have achieved so far


Since the founding of Coffee Circle in 2010, together with you and all our customers and partners, we have generated more than 2.5 million € in donations, which we have been able to invest in the growing regions in Ethiopia, Colombia and D.R. Congo. But this is only the beginning! On this page you can see what we could achieve together with you.

  • For every kilogram of coffee sold, 1 € goes to our drinking water projects in Ethiopia
  • More than 2.5 million € have already been generated through coffee sales and additional donations
  • 100% flows back to the coffee-growing regions
  • Through projects in the areas of education, health and coffee cultivation, we have been able to improve the lives of more than 174,000 people.

Clean drinking water for more than 37,100 people in Western Ethiopia!

Since 2016, we have been working with our partner Welthungerhilfe to provide access to clean water and hygiene training for local communities. After our last update, a lot has happened.


On 7.12.2010 our online store for Ethiopian specialty coffees went online. Already in the first year we could generate 9.062 € donations through coffee sales, from which we could already implement three projects in the cooperative Ilketunjo.

Construction of a drinking water well

1.000 € donation volume

In February 2011, we were able to implement our first project together with the coffee farmers and villagers: The construction of a well in the Ilketunjo cooperative, where there was previously no direct drinking water supply. The well will provide about 2,000 people with clean drinking water, which will help prevent many diseases.

As the well is located near the cooperative’s elementary school, teaching conditions for 1,200 students have also improved indirectly.


Furniture and materials for school

3.100 € donation volume

At the end of 2011, we implemented our second project and equipped the Ilketunjo Cooperative Primary School with basic teaching materials and furniture. Together with the teachers of the school, which is attended by around 1,200 students, we purchased textbooks and exercise books, among other things, from local companies that comply with the applicable curricula. Through a lending system, all students benefit from this improvement. We also determined the exact needs for desks and benches. All furniture was made by carpenters in the provincial capital of Jimma. With this improvement, proper teaching for the children of the coffee farmers is possible again!

1.5 years after project implementation, we conducted an evaluation together with the non-governmental organization TechnoServe. The school in Ilketunjo now has classes up to grade 8 (not just grade 5 as before). The school dropout rate has dropped from an average of 6 children to 2 children. A tremendous success! It is great to see how the teachers and parents identify with the school and drive its operation with commitment. The responsible local government provides the teaching staff and has increased the number of teachers.

Hier kommen die Kaffeebohnen her

Construction of a sports field

700 € donation volume

In October 2011, we were able to inaugurate two new sports fields together with teachers and students from Ilketunjo Primary School. In the discussion six months earlier, it had become clear that most of the children wanted an opportunity to play sports.

While the majority of the female students were in favor of volleyball, most of the male students preferred soccer. We were able to accommodate both requests by drawing on local resources. A sensible investment: team sports promote the children’s mental and social development.

2011: Bau eines Schul-Volley- und Fußballplatzes (700 €)


In our 2nd business year we were able to implement 1 project, but initiate 2 more important projects. The total donation volume in 2012 was 25,120 €.

Equipment of a local health station

1.150 € donation volume

Together with a doctor and some nurses, we equipped the health station in Ilketunjo with basic instruments and medicines. We have received a commitment from the responsible local government to ensure the provision and regular presence of medical staff on site. In this way, the medical (primary) care of around 3,000 cooperative residents can be guaranteed.

2012: Ausstattung einer lokalen Gesundheitsstation (1.150 €)


The volume of donations this year was 46,451 €.

Solar plant for health station

25.000 € donation volume

In 2013, together with the coffee farmers and villagers, the local government and our partner Solar Energy Foundation, we were able to complete the construction of a solar power system in the Wokito Medalu coffee cooperative. In the future, the local health center, which is responsible for 10,000 people, will be able to self-sufficiently supply itself with electricity, which will allow blood reserves, medicines and vaccines to be refrigerated and will also make night-time treatments (and births) possible.

2013: Solarstrom für eine Gesundheitsstation (25.000 €)
Kaffeepause auf dem Balkon

With every cup of coffee you do good.

Explore our coffees ›

Organic certification for Ilketunjo

3.481 € donation volume

In summer 2013, we were able to implement our organic certification project in Ilketunjo together with the state-approved control body BCS Öko-Garantie. It is true that the coffees of our partner cooperatives have always been grown organically: The farmers completely renounce pesticides and herbicides. However, only through official certification can the small producers benefit from higher sales revenues. Result: Local economic promotion and an important incentive for the preservation of traditional forms of cultivation!


Unfortunately, our experience with covering the initial costs for organic certification was not optimal

When we financed the initial certification for the Ilketunjo cooperative, unfortunately no other buyer subsequently purchased the green coffee as certified organic. Therefore, the cooperative felt that continuing the certification was too risky and did not pursue it. Continuation would continue to cost an annual fee of approximately €3,000. The planned long-term positive effect could therefore not be achieved. We have learned from this: In the future, we will concentrate on training and knowledge transfer in the area of coffee cultivation.

Lear more about it ›


We were able to generate € 51,984 in donations through coffee purchases by our customers in 2014.

Satellite School - New elementary school in the Limu region

24.080 € donation volume

Projekt update

December 2017

In December 2017, we spontaneously dropped by there, without registering, and burst into the middle of English lessons. We are overjoyed to see that 560 students are now being taught there in 8 classes by 11 teachers. There are so many students that they are taught in two shifts: one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Many students now have a much shorter way to school. The visit to the school is one of our absolute highlights of the trip and shows us that we can achieve a lot with our trading model. Many thanks to everyone who helped support this project in 2013!

In 2014, the construction of a new elementary school („Satellite School“) near the Ilketunjo cooperative was completed. Together with coffee farmers and villagers, local handicraft companies and the Ethiopian student initiative Action4Words, we built three classrooms and equipped them with furniture and teaching materials. Around 1,000 children can be taught appropriately there. The local government responsible has undertaken to provide teaching staff.

Organic certification for Doyo and Alaga Sekala

10.279 € donation volume

We finance organic certification for the Doyo and Alaga Sekala cooperatives, which is carried out by the state-approved control body BCS Öko-Garantie. It is true that the coffees of our partner cooperatives have always been grown organically: The farmers completely renounce pesticides and herbicides. However, only through official certification can the small producers benefit from higher sales revenues. Result: Local economic promotion and an important incentive for the preservation of traditional forms of cultivation!


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